Week 14: Weigh In Results

From a purely numbers perspective, I had a super week!  I managed to lose just over 7 pounds for a total of 48 pounds since I started in early January!  Unfortunately I also managed to injure my knee this week so that may slow me down in future weeks.  It’s nothing too serious to be sure but it is incredibly sore and not conducive to working out.  I’m hoping it will feel better enough for me to be back in the Body Design gym by Monday of next week.

I’ve continued to have a great deal on my mind which in my case means I don’t eat as much.  It’s the only emotion where I don’t eat.  If I’m happy or mad, I eat by the ton but if I’m feeling anxious or such then I don’t. I guess I should be thankful for one of the very few good side effects of this season.

As always, the full details of my weight loss journey are available on my progress page and I appreciate everyone’s support!

Published in: on April 22, 2010 at 7:28 am  Leave a Comment  

Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

I was back in the gym this morning at the crazy hour of 6AM again working on chest, shoulders, and triceps.  I know it won’t resolve all the stress and whatnot I have going on but figured it couldn’t hurt.  Don’t you just love it when more exercise is the answer for everything. 🙂  (Sarcasm or not, you be the judge.)  I’ve got a lot of meetings today and we are getting close to a big deadline at work which happens to be a similar deadline that I’m working toward for the Atlanta Fat Drop contest with Body Design.  Maybe I’ll officially be able to take a deep breadth after the end of the month.

Published in: on April 19, 2010 at 8:29 am  Comments (1)  

Trying to Come Back

Well folks I’m trying to come back.  As some of you know, I’ve gone through a rough few days lately with some interactions to meds that I didn’t expect combined with the personal stress that we all encounter from time to time so I’ve been taking some time off from both eating right and working out.  It feels like I’m starting to turn a bit of a corner but I’m not at 100% just yet.  Folks in the know tell me that working out will help me start to feel better so I’m going to try to be back in the gym tomorrow morning at the ungodly hour of 6:00AM to start cranking it out again.   I figure I’ll know really quickly if it helps or hurts and then adjust my level of effort accordingly.   I just know I don’t want to give back all the work I’ve done so far for a temporary setback.

Published in: on April 18, 2010 at 9:19 pm  Comments (1)  

Week 13: Weigh In Results

This was a particularly tough week for me and I gained weight for the first time since getting serious again in early January. 😦 Fortunately, it is only a 0.4 pound gain but still.  I had a lot going on personally and professionally so unfortunately when I got frustrated I turned to food which I know isn’t a good solution but sometimes a large Frosty does hit the spot.  I need to work on finding better ways to work off the stress for sure.  In the meantime, though, I’m not going to allow myself to get too discouraged with this week’s results and I will be back at it in short order.  

I continue to be thankful to the good folks at Body Design and Weight Watchers who are helping me make this change.  More importantly, I’m thankful to all of you for the support and encouragement.

Published in: on April 15, 2010 at 6:42 am  Leave a Comment  

Working It Again

I was back in the Body Design gym in midtown working it again.  My sinus infection and bronchitis lingered a bit but seem to be gone now with just fun post-infection congestion.   Oddly it felt great to be back in the gym working out.  This is quite a thing for me as I have never been accused of being a fan of working out.  My group did chest, shoulders, and triceps today so of course push-ups where part of the drill.   

We have “Drill Sergent” Ron as our trainer this week so he had us pushing it.   He says our next session on Wednesday will have some outside component which always makes me nervous.  Let’s pray it is just serious work with the medicine balls instead of something deadly like sprints. 🙂

Published in: on April 12, 2010 at 5:22 pm  Leave a Comment  

Week 12: Weigh In Results

This week I knocked off a whopping 5 pounds for a total of 41.2 pounds lost since I started in early January (full details are available on my progress chart page).   I’m pleasantly surprised since my exercising was highly limited due to a sinus infection and bronchitis.   However, my appetite was suppressed so clearly it comes out in the wash.  

I am now just 16.8 pounds from my next big personal milestone of hitting 265 pounds.  It may sound like an odd mark but that is the point at which I can fit back into a large number of clothes I saved from the last time I lost a significant amount of weight.

I continue to be thankful to the good folks at Body Design and Weight Watchers who are helping me make this change.  More importantly, I’m thankful to all of you for the support and encouragement.

Published in: on April 8, 2010 at 6:52 am  Comments (2)  

Out Sick

Unfortunately it looks like I’m going to miss the next two days of training at the gym due to a sinus infection and bronchitis.  I can’t belive I’m actually disappointed to not be able to be there.   I’m not disappointed though in the least to be missing out on any sprints the group has to run while I’m away but that is a subject for a different post.   The Fat Drop contest ends in just a few weeks so I’m particularly sensitive to missing any opportunity to push my way into the top 3 finishers but some things can’t be helped. 

On the plus side, I’m staying on my food plan even though I’m not in the gym for a few days.  I must admit though that last night I almost said screw it and decided I deserve a few extra rolls since I feel crummy but ultimately decided that’s at least a part of how I ended up where I am in the first place.  I can rationalize most any opportunity to eat.   Fortunately I was eating dinner with a good friend who encouraged me to stay on track. 

Weekly weigh-in results coming tomorrow!

Published in: on April 7, 2010 at 6:07 am  Comments (2)  

Fitness Profile Results

I got my monthly fitness profile done today at Body Design in Midtown and am pleased to report some strong results.  I dropped another inch off my waist and 8 pounds of body fat for a loss of 1.54%.  I also increased my strength and flexibility.  It’s a really comprehensive process that the trainers follow at Body Design by checking body fat with calipers and the whole bit.   In about a month, I’ll have my final fitness profile as part of the Fat Drop Contest and while I don’t think I will win the overall prize, I am aiming to pull in at least 3rd place so I have lots of work to do this month.  Time to rededicate myself to getting it done!

Published in: on April 5, 2010 at 8:00 am  Leave a Comment  

Sleep Does Wonders

For a variety of personal and work reasons, I’ve been getting very little sleep this week which has really impacted my ability to focus and certainly to workout.  Last night I hit the hay a little before 10 and actually managed to get almost 8 full hours of sleep.  I can’t remember the last time that happened!    I made it to Body Design a little early and had a great leg/glutes workout. 

Monday morning is my next formal fitness assessment at the gym where I’ll find out the amount of body fat I’ve lost and how much muscle I’ve gained.  There is one more month to go in the gym’s Fat Drop contest so this is an important check-in.  I know I’ve been losing weight and I’m hopeful that will translate into a strong showing in dropping my body fat percentage this month.

Published in: on April 2, 2010 at 7:54 am  Comments (1)  

Week 11: Weigh In Results

This week I knocked off 3.6 pounds for a total of 36.2 pounds lost since I started in early January (full details are available on my progress chart page).   I had to go buy smaller jeans this week and get more pants taken in which is a great feeling. 

I continue to be thankful to the good folks at Body Design and Weight Watchers who are helping me make this change.  More importantly, I’m thankful to all of you for the support and encouragement.

Published in: on April 1, 2010 at 8:23 am  Comments (1)